
IGF 2013 finalists set a Little Inferno, dial Hotline Miami for Thirty Flights of Loving

This year's Independent Games Festival finalists have been selected, a smattering of almost 30 top independent games that have launched within the past year. Leading multiple-nomination games are Subset Games' Best of the Rest 2012 favorite FTL: Faster Than Light, Cardboard Games' adventure offering Kentucky Route Zero, street vendor sim Cart Life from Richard Hofmeier and Little Inferno, the surprisingly delightful Wii U game about burning things from Tomorrow Corporation.

Other notable mentions include The Fullbright Company's nod for excellence in writing with its first game, Gone Home; Blendo Games' sequel Thirty Flights of Loving is also up for the win in writing. Terry Cavanagh's Super Hexagon is up for an award in design, while Dennaton Games' Hotline Miami is up for the Seumas McNally grand prize along with all the games listed in the first paragraph of this post. And, as announced back in December, IGF finalists will be offered a Steam distribution deal.

For the full list of nominees, hit up the source link below – the nominees will be playable and showcased during GDC in San Francisco, March 27-29. The winners will be revealed during the annual awards show on Wednesday night, March 27.