
WoW Moviewatch: Devilclaw Outlaws

This is another recruitment video, this one for the Devilclaw Outlaws. I love featuring these whenever I get the chance. Guilds are the fundamental underpinning of our in-game culture, so highlighting cool recruitment videos gives me the chance to shine a spotlight on that aspect.

This is what reader Rachel had to say about the video:

One of the things I love about it is that it's clear many of the players are women, adding a bit more evidence against the old adage that "girls don't play WoW." I also love the build of the music as it goes from highlighting the RP to highlighting the PvP. It clocks in at a lengthy four minutes, but always gives me chills.

I might slightly disagree, but only in that I think we've all established that WoW is fairly well balanced. At least I hope. Nonetheless, it's what Rachel had to say, so I wanted to share the sentiment.

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