
XCOM, the shooter, still alive and set for FY 2014 launch

XCOM, the shooter, still alive and set for FY 2014 launch

XCOM, the shooter from 2K Marin, is still a part of Take-Two's future launch plans, scheduled for fiscal year 2014. Take-Two's fiscal 2014 runs from April 1, 2013, to March 31, 2014. This is the same release window XCOM received in May 2012, which is also the last time we heard any significant news about the game.

"2K Marin continues to make progress on XCOM," Take-Two said today during a financial call.

XCOM has been delayed twice, from an initial launch date of March 6, 2012, and now past its second window in FY 2013. Developer Firaxis launched XCOM: Enemy Unknown, the strategy game, last year also under 2K Games, and we thought it was quite a boon to the franchise, even without any first-person alien-gunning.