
LOTRO's Update 10 revamps loot systems and gear set bonuses

LOTRO revamps loot systems and gear set bonuses

Lord of the Rings Online is getting some pretty major itemization updates with Update 10. Specifically, the patch will be affecting the loot in scaling instances and the way set bonuses work.

Bosses in three- and six-player spaces will have a chance to drop equipment, and raids will have equipment hooked up to each boss chest. Challenge modes will now come with a complimentary challenge chest. Moreover, the types of gear you'll find have been massaged a bit: Instance clusters will focus on a handful of gear types, so a DPS character will likely be running different instances than a tank in order to grab the appropriate gear.

Players will be able to mix and match their set bonuses more after the update. Sets will have either stat bonuses or skill modifying effects, in contrast to the recent trend to have sets that do both. Additionally, skill-modifying effects will on the two- and four-set bonuses, giving players more customization options. As a final treat, each class will have access to two new Erebor sets for all three of their trait lines.