
Aspiring sandbox Trials of Ascension touts true permadeath

Aspiring sandbox Trials of Ascension touts true permadeath

Does Trials of Ascension sounds familiar? That could be because the aspiring sandbox poked its head out several years ago but didn't lasso enough investors to become a reality. Now, however, with the advent of Kickstarter and ability to circumvent the big corporate investors, the developers are revving up their engines to give it another go. But first, they are gauging community interest in what they have to offer.

So what is Trials of Ascension offering? Here are some tidbits that might tantalize sandbox lovers: a skill system instead of classes, permadeath, multi-step crafting that promotes interdependence, and dynamic spawns. There will also be open PvP and magic. If that sounds good, head on over and sign up on the official forums (doing so will enter you to win a city in the game!). You can also follow the game on social media and share the news with friends. If enough interest is expressed on the forums, devs will post the project to Kickstarter.