
Flipnote Studio flips to 3DS eShop in the summer

Flipnote Studio confirmed for 3DS

The DSi's beloved animation software Flipnote Studio is finally getting a 3DS version, which is both good news and bad. Flipnote Studio 3D allows users to draw animations with three different layers for a 3D effect, and export them to GIF or AVI. It'll be released in Japan this summer for free, with the ability to upload either to a "Friend Flipnote Gallery" service or a wider "World Flipnote Gallery" that connects you to a global community of artists.

That worldwide gallery carries a monthly fee to cover server costs, and comes with a 30 day free trial. That fee may be waived if your animations prove to be popular! Check out more sample animations on the Nintendo Direct site.

The bad news: Flipnote community support on the DSi will end May 31.