
Feathermoon Horde players organize massive cross-realm RP event

Feathermoon Horde players organize massive crossrealm RP event

Horde players from multiple roleplay realms will gather on Feathermoon (US-RP) next week for what may be the game's first major cross-realm, multi-realm roleplay event. On Wednesday, March 20, Feathermoon's Thundering Hammer Clan and the realm's Horde roleplaying community will present the Kosh'harg, a gathering of the clans of the Horde.

WoW players have historically not been happy with the implementation of cross-realm zones, with some players going so far as to transfer realms to escape them completely. The Kosh'harg will attempt to blaze a positive new path for CRZ play, bringing together players from different RP realms to participate in what could be an event of some magnitude.

Activities for the tribal-themed spring equinox event include a ceremonial processional of the clans, a great feast, a bracketed 1v1 PvP tournament, and a Spirit Walk storytelling competition. "It is part spiritual pilgrimage, part tournament, and part raucous feast," writes THC's Thorgrun, "and if you are a Horde player who respects Horde culture and lore, we want to see you there!"

Organizers have assembled an array of prizes, with consideration for items that cannot be traded across realms. The Kosh'harg is open to both individual players and groups or guilds, but sign-ups are strongly encouraged. Keep reading for more details about how to sign up to attend or volunteer.

Gathering of the clans

The Kosh'harg's concept is pulled directly from game lore. "Buried deep in the labyrinthine annals of Horde lore are a few rare references to a traditional biannual gathering of the Clans on Draenor before and during the rise of the Horde," explains Thorgrum. "Set in Nagrand and centered around the holy mountain of Oshu'gun, the festival was held twice each year on the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes, when day and night are of equal length. For the duration of the festival, the numerous Clans would gather from all over Draenor and lay aside their feuds and disputes in order to honor the Spirits of their ancestors and to seek their guidance at the Holy mountain."

For generations before their betrayal and corruption our people lived at peace with the elements. We honored the spirits of our ancestors and we fought to defend our homes and bring strength and glory to our Clans. Twice each year, when the day and the night held equal sway, all the Clans would gather together in the sacred fields of Nagrand and seek counsel from the spirits at the Holy Mountain of Oshu'gun.

It has been decades now since our people have gathered together for the Kosh'harg, but now the spirits of our ancestors call to us once again, calling us to return home and seek their wisdom for our troubled times. We face turmoil and upheaval on every front. Our warriors fight for new lands, our forces are bolstered by new allies, and our way of life faces new and dangerous threats. More than ever we need the wisdom of our ancestors to guide us.

Return to the ways of our fathers. Let the Clans be gathered together once more for the Kosh'harg!

For our ancestors,


Sign up for the Kosh'harg

Whether you're interested in participating as a guest or behind the scenes, here's how to get involved.

  • Sign up to attend.

  • Sign up to volunteer.

  • The Procession of the Clans Organizers welcome guild GMs to become directly involved in this roleplay event. "We want to show off your guild!" Thorgrun explains. "We have a procession planned at the opening of the Kosh'harg where you will march (or ride) into the festivities at the head of your guild with all the pomp and circumstance we can muster." Interested GMs should sign up immediately on the original announcement thread.

  • Contribute to the Great Feast. Thogrum reports organizers are aiming to collect some 1,500 of various types of banquets for the great feast. The Kosh'harg needs volunteers to help prepare these feasts as well to serve as full roleplay hosts, responsible for keeping active feasts in place during the feast.

  • Assist with the Blademaster Tournament."Do you know that guy in your guild who is always dueling?" queries the event's promotional posts. "Does anyone on your team live outside the gates of Orgrimmar? Push them to sign up for the Blademaster Tournament!" This bracketed 1v1 tourney will allow the winner to a grand prize from the prize vault.

  • Get involved in the Spirit Walk Story Competition. "As members of roleplay realms," writes Thorgrun, "I know we are all passionate about the story -- and I do not doubt that there are some very talented storytellers in each of your guilds. We would like to feature and celebrate that talent with a storytelling competition during the Great Feast. One of the great storytellers of our realm, Feathermoon, is a troll shaman by the name of Matsujin who has been a leader in our RP community since classic. He is inviting players to submit short-form stories that can be told in approximately 7 to 10 minutes (we figure around 700 words or so) to the gathered clans at the feast, and we want (read: need) your submissions!"

For more details, please visit the original forum announcement for the Kosh'harg. For the Horde!