
Papo & Yo coming to Steam on April 18

The emotional journey of Vander Caballero's Papo & Yo is coming to Steam. Speaking with Game Informer, Caballero revealed that the game, which was inspired by his life experience dealing with the struggles of parental abuse, would arrive on Valve's digital distribution platform on April 18.

Papo & Yo originally launched on the PlayStation Network in August 2012 and was released with the help of Sony's Pub Fund. The Joystiq review noted the gameplay in Papo & Yo was lacking, but felt it to succeed on an emotional and autobiographical level.

Caballero told Game Informer that he still receives letters from others dealing with similar abuse and hopes a PC version will encourage more people to find ways to cope.

Update: An original version of this story cited SCEA as the publisher of Papo & Yo. The game was self-published by developer Minority and released with the help from Sony's Pub Fund. The story has been corrected.