
Fez gets another remix album May 7, 'FZ: Side Z'

Fez gets another remix album May 7, 'FZ Side Z'

Only two days after the release of FZ: Side F, composer Disasterpeace has announced another album of remixed Fez tunes. Titled FZ: Side Z, the album is to serve as "the second half" of the remix project, according to the latest Disasterpeace newsletter. We don't have much else to go on, apart from a small image of the album's cover, which is simply the letter Z in Fez's coded alphabet. Presumably, like Side F, the new album will feature tracks by various artists.

The album drops on May 7, just a few days after Fez (the game) lands on PC.

[Image: Cover art for "Kompass" on FZ: Side F]