
Some excellent new games on the App Store right now

Apple traditionally releases big new apps all together on Thursday, and this week there's an exceptionally good slate of releases arriving, including some games we've been waiting on for a while.

  • As expected, Angry Birds Friends has arrived, and it's a social take on the popular Angry Birds series. You can get it for free.

  • Eclipse is a spectacular (if a little complicated) take on the award-winning board game, available for US$6.99. We'll have more on this one as a Daily iPad App later today.

  • Firaxis' Haunted Hollow is now officially out, and it's just plain great. Free-to-play, deep (but accessible) strategy from one of the best game developers around. This one is a must-download.

  • Wizard Ops Tactics is a free-to-play tactical strategy version of the Wizard Ops shooter that released a while back.

  • The Kickstarter-fueled Star Command is now available for $2.99. It looks good, but the game has gotten some flak for not quite fulfilling all of its promises to Kickstarter backers.

  • The interactive book/RPG that is Steve Jackson's Sorcery! has finally arrived as well. It's a nice bit of nostalgia, and you can grab it for $4.99.

There are even more new releases on the App Store, but those are the big ones. Some of those, like Haunted Hollow especially, I've been waiting to play since GDC this year. And now they're all out -- go get 'em!