
Shaq's licensing company trademarks 'Shaqfighter'

Licensing company trademarks 'Shaqfighter'

Mine O' Mine, the licensing company responsible for all things bearing the resemblance of the legendarily mononymous Shaq, has registered a trademark for "Shaqfighter." The trademark's Goods and Services qualifications cover the term for "providing online games" and "computer and video game characters," among many other purposes along that line, which leads us to believe that this is probably a video game thing.

Of course, when the words "Shaq" and "fighter" are thrown together in such close proximity, 1994's Shaq-fu immediately springs to mind for any of us old enough to remember it in all of its confusing, supernatural glory. Well, "glory." Here's hoping this new jam ends up being more than an Infinity Blade clone starring an endless bloodline of medieval Shaqs. Actually ...