
New Nintendo eShop releases: Zelda Oracle games, Mega Man X, Ghosts N' Goblins

The eShop cup spilleth over this week, with lots of great new releases for Wii U and 3DS. The Legend of Zelda gets two links to the past in Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons. Both games are available for $4.99 each until June 20, and use a password system to interact with one another.

The 3DS also gets The Denpa Men 2: Beyond the Waves, and on June 4, you can snag a demo for Project X Zone, the bizarre Capcom/Sega/Namco mash-up RPG.

Meanwhile, the Wii U Virtual Console picks up Mega Man X and Ghosts N' Goblins (not to be confused with Super Ghouls N' Ghosts, which came out earlier this month). From now until June 6, purchasing one of these games will get you the other for half price.

Finally, there's a Just Dance 4 sale going on – you can pick up the game or select DLC for 30 percent off until June 4.

Wii U

3DS eShop