
Gameloft releases an impressive trailer for Modern Combat 5

You can say what you will about Gameloft (and lots of people do, as the company has earned a reputation for essentially copying HD console games onto Apple's iOS platforms), but this is at least true: The developer knows how to put a game together. Modern Combat is Gameloft's take on the extremely popular Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series, and the company has just released a trailer for Modern Combat 5, which serves as the latest and greatest full first-person shooter on iOS. Thanks to the success of Angry Birds, most iOS trailers consist of a series of cute animals playing around to some overly sweet music, but not this one. As you can see below, Gameloft has figured out how to draw a whole lot of realism out of the iPad and the iPhone.

Modern Combat 5 is set for a release in the fourth quarter of this year, so we do have a while yet to wait. But Gameloft should be showing it off next week at E3, so I should have some hands-on time with this title and whatever else the developer is working on. So stay tuned to hear more about this already very impressive title.