
The plague surges onward in Defiance

Defiance: The Plague

It's been one week since Defiance came down with a nasty cold, which means there's (theoretically) only one week remaining to jump in on some of the game's contagious festivities. Trion Worlds reminded players today that beginning at 3 p.m. EDT (12 p.m. PDT), the second week of Defiance's The Plague event will be live.

Players of Defiance will find a new mission, new siege events, a new pursuit, and a bunch of emergencies to handle as they wander through the bombed-out ruins of the Bay. There are also data recorders to collect and special rewards for players who complete plague-related challenges.

No specific end date has been offered, but the Defiance television show will address The Plague event on June 17th. If you play Defiance and haven't had a chance to check out The Plague, it's probably best to get in soon, just in case.