
The destruction of the Vale

vale destruction

The latest WoW blog post by Community Manager Nethaera might be just a tad overshadowed by the release of the (very engaging!) patch 5.4 trailer, but there are some tidbits in it that you don't want to miss! If you haven't been keeping up with the lore, the post provides a good overview of the Vale of Eternal Blossom's story and significance to the expansion. There are also some big changes coming its way--not just lore wise, but gameplay-side, as well.

The Vale's intro quests through Kun-Lai Summit are going to be modified to reflect the state of devastation that new adventurers will find; in other words, the new Vale will not be phased. All the pools will be drained, but never fear, fisherfolk of WoW, the Jewel Danio fish will be relocated to the Timeless Isle so you'll still be able to get your hands on them. New enemies, reflections of the never-defeated Sha of Pride, will be found roaming the once-golden hills of the Vale. As a result of all this destruction, the Golden Lotus have been forced to retreat from their grand pagoda. Though characters can continue to earn Golden Lotus reputation by killing enemies in the Vale, their quests will no longer be available, and the achievement "Eternally in the Vale" will be removed from the game. Now's the time to get it if you want it.

The permanence of of the changes in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms reflects the looming changes to World of Warcraft itself. What is the future of the Alliance and Horde? What will be the fallout of the Siege of Orgrimmar? Only the release of patch 5.4 will tell...