
Call of Duty Ghosts limited edition headset design and price revealed

Call of Duty Ghosts limited edition headset design and price revealed

Turtle Beach limited edition Call of Duty-themed headsets have become an annual treat for CoD fans looking to get some serious audio from their game, and this year is no different with Call of Duty: Ghosts. This time around, the headsets feature a black and white design with blue highlights and the Ghosts mask logo. Spooooooky.

Turtle Beach is releasing three models this year: the Shadow, Spectre, and Phantom. The Shadow is a wired, stero headset with an in-line amp and will cost $99.95; the Spectre is a Ghosts-branded version of the Turtle Beach SEVEN series headset with an in-line amp and will run $199.95; finally, the Phantom is a wireless Dolby surround sound headset with a programmable audio processor, and costs $299.95.

You can read more about each headset by checking out the Turtle Beach website, which also offers pre-orders if you're ready to throw down some cash.