
Watch Sony's Gamescom conference live right here

Sony's press conference is the last course in Tuesday's feast of Gamescom announcements and news, and it should feature a very sweet dessert to end on: the PS4 release date. Sony has stuck hard and true to the 'Holiday 2013' window since unveiling its next-gen console back in February, but which side of the Xbox One it ends up is a very big deal; Microsoft's console is still scheduled for sometime in November.

Sony will probably have a few other meaty announcements, and some should be for the Vita - but is one of them the long-rumored price cut? How about which new games are lining Sony's Gamescom sleeves?

You can find out right here on Joystiq. The live stream above starts at 1PM ET (10AM PT, 6PM UK, and 7PM CET) and we'll have all the news on the site as it comes. Also, make sure to check back through the week for our Gamescom coverage from lovely Cologne.