
WRUP: Press X to Gamescom

WRUP Press X to Gamescom

It's been a busy, busy week of Gamescom. Thankfully, we found a way to take a break from all the action and find the ones we love so dearly.

What's everyone playing?

  • Alexander Sliwinski (@Sliwinski): I've got The Bureau: XCOM Declassified and maybe even Saints Row 4 waiting for me at home. Wrapping up all this Gamescom coverage.

  • Danny Cowan (@Sardoose): More Disney Infinity, probably. I'm picking up the Cars playset expansion this week, which is a good excuse to dive back in for some more co-op. Yes, I am an adult.

  • David Hinkle (@DaveHinkle): It feels weird to not have a review game on deck this weekend so I'll probably relax and play Payday 2. Yeah, I'm gonna play a lot of Payday 2.

  • Jess Conditt (@JessConditt): Persona 4 Golden. I got it on Vita for the plane rides to and from Germany, but I fear it may end up taking over my non-aerial life, too.

  • Jordan Mallory (@Jordan_Mallory): I'm playing a new game this weekend called Lock My Phone in the Freezer and Sleep for Days.

  • Ludwig Kietzmann (@LudwigK): Like Jordan, there's a frosty plan in place for the weekend as I play Lost Planet 3. Oh, there it is. *CREDITS ROLL*

  • Mike Suszek (@MikeSuszek): Moving the Cowboys to a new city in Madden 25. Oklahoma City seems nice.

  • Richard Mitchell (@TheRichardM): Titanfall? Titanfall. And Fire Emblem and PvZ 2. And Mike, if you're bringing the Cowboys to Oklahoma, at least bring them to Tulsa. Much cooler than OKC.

  • Sinan Kubba (@Shoinan): Gamescom! Maybe some Animal Crossing: New Leaf on the flight home.

  • Steven Wong: Aliens are invading all over the place. I'll either be fighting back with The Bureau: XCOM Declassified or as the President in Saints Row 4.

  • Susan Arendt (@SusanArendt): Soldiering on through the surprisingly challenging Plants vs Zombies 2. Well, the challenge is partly self-imposed: I refuse to use the power-ups. Feels too much like cheating.

  • Thomas Schulenberg (@Lavapotamus): Whether it's during my bus ride home, my downtime after work, or within the hours I lay in bed before falling asleep, the answer will be Mario & Luigi: Dream Team.

  • Xav de Matos (@Xav): I'm still playing Splinter Cell Blacklist after moving onto the PC version and, at some point this weekend, I'm diving into Lost Planet 3.