
Sidescrolling MMO Excalibur available for download on Android devices

Admittedly, lots of stuff is made better with sidescrolling brawler mechanics.

Have you recently found yourself playing a fantasy MMO while thinking that it would be better as a sidescrolling brawler on your Android device? Really? Because that's kind of specific. But, as it turns out, you are in luck. Excalibur has opened the beta gates to Android players, allowing anyone who wants to kill and loot in a sidescrolling environment a chance to do just that. The game is also aiming at an iOS release in October.

Regardless of what images the terms "sidescrolling free-to-play fantasy brawler" might conjure in your head, the team at R2Games and Elex emphasize that the game features more than simply action combat. Players choose between three classes and can take part in both group and solo content, join guilds, and engage in PvP. It might be just the thing for anyone looking for a bit of a break from the norm on the go.