
Get crafty with these faction crest cross-stitch patterns

Crossstitch alliance and horde logo patterns

If you're a WoW-player who cross-stitches -- or you're looking to pick up a new hobby -- crafter SweetestSpot has created cross-stitch patterns for the alliance and horde logos. Cross-stitch WoW creations aren't something we've come across before -- but while cross-stitching may sound like something your grandmother does, we can confirm that these stitched crests would make a fantastic addition to any gaming lair.

If you're interested, the patterns are available for sale on Etsy for alliance and horde -- though you'll have to pick up the supplies to make them on your own. Each pattern results in a finished product that's about 6" square, with the alliance pattern using 4 colors of floss and the horde pattern using 7 colors. Not that crafty? SweetestSpot's originals -- alliance and horde -- are up on Ebay, both mounted for hanging on a 7.5" embroidery hoop.

Have any cool WoW crafts of your own? Drop us a line and you may be our next featured WarCraft!