
Rockstar still tending to GTA Online connectivity issues

Rockstar offers update on GTA Online connectivity issues

When Grand Theft Auto Online made its debut yesterday, the game was immediately overshadowed by myriad technical issues which prevented (and in some cases, still prevent) players from connecting to the game.

Rockstar has heard the pleas of its fans and assures players that the development team is hard at work on solutions to all of the issues that have cropped up so far. In the meantime, the company offers an update on the current status of the game's PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 incarnations:

In addition, Rockstar has also launched a support page specifically for GTA Online. If none of the solutions listed work for you, your troubles may stem from the crush of traffic caused by millions of players simultaneously attempting to join the GTA Online servers. In that case, the only solution is to wait patiently until either Rockstar improves its servers, or the giddy appeal of a new Grand Theft Auto sequel wears thin.