
Show off your best WoW-related jokes

zarhym facepalm

How do you know someone's been playing since Vanilla? Don't worry, they'll tell you.

...My apologies to Gewain, in this thread, because I've stolen his joke. It's definitely a smash hit as far as WoW jokes go, and I winced a little even as I laughed, because, well, I recognize myself in there, at least a little bit.

So far, most people seem to be sticking to the "clean jokes only" request of the original poster, which is nice to see. Not every single joke has struck me as entirely funny, but a couple have elicited a barking belly laugh from me, which I certainly appreciate. WoW has a deep enough subculture and has been around for long enough that I'm sure there's plenty of fodder for good jokes, at least from people who are more clever than myself. If you've got an EU account, maybe head on over to the thread and add your own, and if you don't, tell us what they are in the comments! I'm going to bug the heck out of my guild with my favorites, for sure.

Hey, what do rogues and noobs have in common? They both pick locks!*

*My GM's main is a warlock.