
Tim Cook joins board of China's Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management

As if it weren't already abundantly clear how important China is to Apple (and, actually, most of the world in the 21st century) Tim Cook has joined the Advisory Board of Tsinghua University's School of Economics and Management (SEM) in Beijing, one of the country's most prestigious universities. The SEM says the Advisory Board meets annually to "offer advice on the development of Tsinghua SEM."

While it's clear Cook isn't on the board to pitch an iPad in Education system to the university, his membership there could help give Apple a leg up in the country as he'll serve alongside other prominent Tsinghua SEM board members including a number of high-ranking Chinese politicians.

Besides Cook, there are many other Western business leaders on Tsinghua SEM's advisory board including the chairman and CEO of General Motors, the chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, the president and CEO of Wal-Mart, the former president of Yale University and many more.