
Hearthstone fan sets out to craft a Hearthstone gaming box

Hearthstone fan sets out to craft a Hearthstone gaming box

The first time Steve watched Hearthstone's iconic in-game card box slam shut, he thought to himself "I'm going to make that!"

As a hobbyist carpenter, Steve was inspired to put his woodworking skills to the test when he saw the official art of Blizzard's upcoming title, Hearthstone. Originally he set out to just recreate the box, but overtime the project has morphed into something even better. Now when the box is complete it will serve as a cabinet for a touchscreen laptop which will allow him play Hearthstone out of its own box. Did we mention it also glows?

Smart Wood, Steve's blog, documents the crafting process from the first paper sketches to the nearly completed box. (And you've just got to check out the beautiful interior of the box.) He is currently in the final stages, attaching finishing touches and getting the touchscreen device mounted. When it's complete, he hopes to send it off to Blizzard to get the seal of approval from the Hearthstone Development team with some autographs.