
Watch live WildStar gameplay in pilot of new livestream series

Watch live WildStar gameplay in pilot of new livestream series

In this day and age, seeing is still believing, so the more game footage we can see, the better! And WildStar delivered just that, displaying live gameplay in a stealthy livestream yesterday. Without any advanced notice or advertisement, Carbine Studios aired the pilot episode of a new livestream series aimed at showing off the upcoming game.

In this premiere, Game Design Producer Stephan Frost and Senior Community Manager David Bass took turns playing through some content, including demonstrating the combat system and environmental hazards, all while answering viewer questions in chat. Although there are no big reveals in this particular episode, the hosts hinted that those could be incoming as the livestreams continue. If you want to catch all the WildStar action and get plenty of gameplay hints, watch the full episode embedded below.

[Thanks to Paul for the tip!]