
Innkeeper's Invitational player highlights continue

Innkeeper's Invitational competitors

Last week we covered Blizzard's highlight of the first four of the eight participants in this year's inagural Inkeeper's Invitational BlizzCon Hearthstone tournament. This week Blizzard released their mini-interviews with the second four competitors: Day[9], Trump, Artosis, and Kripparrian.

As expected, the Q&As cover the same questions as before, and as before, many of the answers are delightful and entertaining. This group of competitors seems lively and fun, and I'm sure they are all looking forward to their chance to square off against each other at BlizzCon next week. Oh my goodness, BlizzCon is next week! For those Hearthstone devotees among our reader base, these interviews are likely to be interesting and perhaps even educational, as each of the four competitors discusses their five must-have Arena card picks and why, as well as their most feared and respected opponents. We look forward to watching the tournament as it unfolds and to see who takes first prize!