
Going to Engadget Expand? This web app is your personal guide

So, like a flute to a cobra, we've charmed you into attending Engadget Expand in NYC -- hooray! It'll be quite the busy weekend, but this handy Expand web app will help you prepare for the event. We've outlined the full agenda for both days (November 9th and 10th), listed every exhibitor and even included a floor map of the convention center within the application. You can also find the full roster of speakers (along with their Twitter accounts) and a link that takes you straight to the Insert Coin voting page. It'll work on any device since it's a web app, so bookmark it for easy access while on the plane, train or automobile to the Big Apple. If you're searching for even more ways to stay on top of vital info, you can follow the official Expand Facebook and Twitter accounts, as well.