
Watch 12 minutes of Xbox One dashboard features in action

If you saw last month's Xbox One dashboard vid but wanted to view the system's features in a truer demonstration, make yourself nice and comfy for the next 12 minutes or so. In this video, Xbox Corporate VP Marc Whitten and Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer Yusuf Medhi showcase how you can personalize the Xbox One dashboard, quickly switch apps, take Skype calls while watching TV (love the dog cameo), record, edit, and upload gameplay footage, and explore the enhanced Friends and Followers features for Xbox socialites.

Joystiq man about town Ludwig Kietzmann checked out the dashboard for himself, and you can read his impressions by saying, "Joystiq, go to Ludwig's post." While you wait for that to load up, we'll remind you the Xbox One launch is just two weeks away on November 22, when you can pick up Microsoft's next-gen system for $500.