
World of Keflings dev NinjaBee to debut 'Nutjitsu' at PAX East

World of Keflings dev NinjaBee promises a new game called Nutjitsu at PAX East

Developer NinjaBee (makers of XBLA hits like Cloning Clyde, A Band of Bugs and A World of Keflings) is revealing a brand new game at this weekend's PAX East show, titled Nutjitsu. That title is all we have so far; NinjaBee says it'll be playable at the show (booth #599, if you're going), but doesn't say anything else about what it is. It's kung-fu fighting squirrels, right? Can it be kung-fu fighting squirrels?

In addition to the new game, NinjaBee is also showing off A World of Keflings for Wii U and the recently released version for Windows 8. It's also giving away prizes, including a free copy of Kingdom of Keflings for PC to anyone who plays any of the demos, and 1600 Microsoft points to the high scorer on Nutjitsu every day. If you can't be at the show, don't worry, because we will. Stay tuned for coverage this weekend.