
Sunday Morning Funnies: Forwarding address

Sunday Morning Funnies Forwarding address    SUN

Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics.

This week, in comic news, Away From Reality is almost at the culmination of its special series. Check out #248 and #249 for a ton of action and a huge cliffhanger!

The Guilded AgeKickstarter campaign successfully raised over $20,000! That's over twice the original goal. This means that Volume 3 will be produced in print, in addition to Volume 2!

Contested Territory will be coming out of its hiatus with a new chapter next week! In the meantime, there are some more sketches up that show how the comic is produced.

Gratz only has one update this week due to the artist being on vacation. What's Shakin' is still down due to Coffin's really bad allergies (I can relate). Trig is still resting and, hopefully, recuperating!

Check out this week's list of comics: