
Three times as many Samsung users switch to iPhone than the other way around

Though Samsung's snarky ads like to make jest of iPhone users, while Apple's just show how well various functions -- the camera, the music player and FaceTime -- work, new information from Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) suggests those Samsung ads aren't too effective. As reported by Fortune, the CIRP report reveals that three times more people switch from Samsung handsets to iPhone than the other way around.

The CIRP numbers also show that iPhone users tend to skew younger (about 69 percent are younger than 35 years old, compared to about 64 percent for Samsung), have more income (only 32 percent of Apple buyers have less than a US$50,000 income, while almost 45 percent of Samsung buyers are in that range) and are more educated (about 48 percent with a college degree or greater, compared to only about 32 percent for Samsung buyers).

The Fortune post by Philip Elmer-DeWitt has some other gems that show just where the two companies get most of their customers. It's some of the best demographic information that we've seen so far detailing the customer base for the two largest smartphone manufacturers.

[via 9to5Mac]