
Neverending Nightmares lands on Kickstarter, joins Ouya funding program

Neverending Nightmares begins its crowdfunding campaign

Neverending Nightmares is now on Kickstarter, seeking $99,000 by September 29. Created by Retro/Grade developer Matt Gilgenbach, the survival horror game is inspired by the likes of Silent Hill 2 and Amnesia: The Dark Descent, and also is the result of Gilgenbach's personal struggles with obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression.

Neverending Nightmares is part of Ouya's Free the Games Fund, and will accordingly be Ouya-exclusive for the first six months of its release in Q3 2014. Kickstarter rewards also include DRM-free versions of the game for Windows, Mac and Linux, which will launch at a later time.

Through the game and accompanying developer diaries, Gilgenbach said he hopes to "make a difference in peoples' lives. I can show them that they are not suffering alone! I can tell them that things can get better." Our video preview describes some of Neverending Nightmares' gory scenes as well as its Edward Gorey art inspiration.