
The Elder Scrolls Online taunts us with heavy armor designs

The Elder Scrolls Online taunts us with heavy armor designs

Stop me if you've heard this one: A Redguard, a Wood Elf, and a Dark Elf walk into a bar, all wearing badass platmail armor. There's no punchline because hello, badass platemail armor. ZeniMax Online thinks you'll want to see its new Elder Scrolls Online armor concepts in high detail on representatives from all three of these races, so it's posted them up on the official site along with a request to pick a favorite and fight it out on Facebook because armor is serious business.

The Redguard's armor might not remind you much of Hammerfell fashion, but the Bosmeri kit has a touch of feral nature in its horns and spikes and fur. And we can't help but notice hints of Redoran style in the Dunmer's attire. Or are we just imagining that in an attempt not to think about Sauron or the Lich King?

We've included the full-size image after the cut!

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