
Connected realms arrive in the EU

Connected realms arrive in the EU

Connected Realms have been slowly creeping across the NA servers, linking communities as they went, and now Blizzard has begun to cautiously extend their reach into the EU. Following the latest announcement of US Connected Realms, Blizzard Community Manager Takralus has posted the following update for the EU:

We're kicking off the Connected Realms implementation here in Europe, and below you can see a list of the first realms to be connected. We don't yet have a specific date for when these connections will occur, but we'll provide another update once we do.

Realm Connections:
We'll provide updates on the next batch of realm connections as they're available. For more information on Connected Realms, please read the preview blog post here.

  • Hakkar and Emeriss

  • Taerar and Echsenkessel

  • Burning Steppes and Kor'gall

  • Theradras and Dethecus

If you don't see your realm on that list, fear not, it could still be coming. As Blizzard has said in the past, they are being extremely cautious with this new feature, rolling it out in small chunks, trying to cause a minimum of disruption. But we're doubling the links every time, one server to two to four, so who knows how fast it might ramp up.