
WRUP: Festivus is almost here edition

We'll just swipe one and call it a Festivus pole.  If that bothers you, well, that's what the Airing of Greivances is for.

Tomorrow, my wife and I will be heading to a Festivus party. I've spent my whole year storing up smoldering resentment for the Airing of Grievances and working out in preparation for the Feats of Strength, so I have high hopes for this to be the best Festivus ever. Shortly thereafter, we will spend the remainder of the holidays with family.

Why Festivus? Well, we have two cats. An unadorned aluminum pole is the one form of holiday decoration that will stand unmolested for the duration of the season.

It's time for this week's installment of WRUP, which discusses Festivus precisely no times outside of this header. (The actual date is the 23rd.) Click on past the break to see what we're up to for the weekend, and let us know what you're planning on doing for the pre-holiday weekend down in the comments!

Beau Hindman, Columnist

@Beau_Hindman: You know, I'm not really sure what I'll be playing this weekend, thanks to the holidays that are coming up. I'll be busy hiding presents from my wife, but other than that I want to get some time in Defiance, RIFT, and hopefully both iRacing and The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot. On top of that I have a dozen other games I would like to try to play. Ugh, time is fleeting.

Bree Royce, Editor-in-Chief

@nbrianna: I'll be in World of Warcraft a bit this weekend. Didn't think I'd still be interested this long, but I've sort of had a second wind, and I might just have all of my alts and crafts caught up in time for Draenor.

Tina Lauro, Columnist

@PurpleTinabeans: I'll be playing wrap-the-presents for most of the weekend, but I hope to squeeze in some Neverwinter as well. I might even manage to convince Brendan that it's worth playing too! He seems pretty against the idea, so it might just require a little bit of Christmas magic to get him onboard.

Eliot Lefebvre, Senior Contributing Editor

@Eliot_Lefebvre: The latest big Final Fantasy XIV patch is still sucking up the vast majority of my free time, with a little WildStar beta and Baldur's Gate II mixed in for variety. This weekend's holiday schedule is looking pretty packed, to boot.

Jasmine Hruschak, Contributing Streamer

@irljasmine: With all of the new patch content out this week I'll be playing Final Fantasy XIV with a side of Final Fantasy XIV. Tomestones are easier to come by now and a lot more fun to acquire, so I'm finishing off the tail end of my Darklight set before my guild charges into Crystal Tower this weekend.

Justin Olivetti, Senior Contributing Editor

@Sypster: It's time to make all of the frantic holiday party rounds, both in real life and in games. Neverwinter and The Secret World both have events I want to mine for all of their goodies (and, y'know, fun). So that's where you'll probably find me.

Matt Daniel, Contributing Editor

@mvmatt: I'm wrapping up my time in City of Steam before moving on to a weekend of Guild Wars 2, Hero of the Obelisk, and an unreasonable amount of Starbound. Also, holiday celebrations abound, so I'll probably be drinking entirely too much eggnog and eating coma-inducing amounts of delicious food.

Mike Foster, Contributing Editor

@MikedotFoster: As per usual, I'm playing Dota 2 as much as I can. I hooked up with some folks at last weekend's tourney and they're dragging me around helping me not suck. However, I'll also be leaping into Allods Online as soon as the Choose My Adventure polls close! I'm excited to see what character the community has given me/saddled me with.

MJ Guthrie, Contributing Editor

@MJ_Guthrie: It's holiday time, and that means I have holiday celebrations to attend in my favorite games! I have more Krampuses (Krampi?) to hunt in The Secret World and Frostfell to frolic through in EverQuest II. I don't know that I will have any more time than that, but if so, then I'll be popping into Vanguard as well. Heck, maybe I will see what the festivities are like in all the games I have loaded on my PC. (Goodbye, sleep!)

Richie Procopio, Contributing Editor

@RichieProcopio: This weekend I'll be playing some WildStar beta and I can finally say it! There. I said it. I'll also be slinging cards in Hearthstone and completing my Wintersday activities in Guild Wars 2.

Terilynn Shull, Columnist

@terilynns: I will be diving back into Star Trek Online, of course. The Winter Event still calls me to save gingerbread councilmen. I really shouldn't enjoy that mission as much as I do, but I do, and I won't apologize for it. I'll also be touching base with Lord of the Rings Online, and some recent discussions with my coworkers here at Massively have me once again wondering whether I'll dust off my baby Asura in Guild Wars 2.

At the start of every weekend, we catch up with the Massively staff members and ask them, "What are you playing this week?" (Otherwise known as: WRUP!) Join us to see what we're up to in and out of game -- and catch us in the comments to let us know what you're playing, too!