
WerYoo is a new social photography app with some appealing features

WerYoo ("where you," get it?) is a new free social network and app that lets you add photos to maps, share your photos with friends and get real-time updates on new photos and experiences near you.

To get started, you sign up for a free account via Facebook or a separate WerYoo account. After getting an account, you can take photos, add filters and view a live stream of photos taken near you as determined by your iPhone's GPS. Photos can be shared with friends or groups of friends, and photos can be searched by time and/or location. You can comment on photos and read comments people leave on yours. There is also a "hotspot" feature to let you or others comment on some particular part or feature of a photo.

Photos are shared via Twitter or Facebook, and photos from others you like can be shared via your camera roll.

I gave WerYoo a try and found some photos that had been taken near me. I could search any area to see what others had done, or post my own photos to see if I got some followers or comments. I uploaded some photos from my camera roll after applying filters, and they quickly appeared on the map when I searched that area.

All in all, WerYoo is a clever app in a crowded field of social photography apps including Instagram, Yonder, Tweetbot, Twitter, Apple's own Photostream service and many others.

Still, WerYoo has some unique features that are worth a try if you are interested in sharing photos in real time with friends and families. It's certainly easy to use. Early reviews of the app are positive, and it just might be something that's worth a look.

WerYoo requires iOS 6 or later. It's not a universal app, and it has been optimized for the iPhone 5.