
Pixeljam's Glorkian Warrior glorks all over iOS devices this year

Glorkian Warrior: The Trials of Glork was a Kickstarter project before Kickstarter projects were cool, funded with $11,200 in March 2010 – and now it's a full game. Glorkian Warrior is due out in Q1 2014 for iOS devices from Dino Run creator Pixeljam and comic book artist James Kochalka. It's a Saturday morning cartoon kind of game that mixes Galaga-style shoot-em-up mechanics and platforming to create a cheery endless shooter.

Glorkian Warrior offers procedurally-generated enemy alien formations, an "arsenal" of weapons and powerups, and no in-app purchases. There's no word on the final price, but Pixeljam promises "just good old-fashioned entertainment like your great grandpa used to enjoy."

Happy glorking, everyone.