
Warlords of Draenor: New Talador screenshot

We've had several recent tweets from Blizzard developers coyly discussing aspects of certain upcoming patches, or, say expansions. With no Warlords of Draenor beta access yet in sight, every potential glimpse into that world gives us something to get excited about, and last night's tweet of the above picture from Creative Director Alex Afrasiabi is no exception.

If you're not quite yet familiar with the different areas of Draenor, our own Matthew Rossi has an excellent article to enlighten you. Talador is a the center of the continent, described as "the heart of Draenor." In that area can be found both the draenei's central city Shattrath and the great mausoleum of Auchindoun. Unfortunately for those draenei players who may wish to make a pilgrimage to Shattrath, Warlords of Draenor finds it almost completely occupied by the Iron Horde. At least Talador itself is serene and beautiful, as the screenshot shows.

Preliminary speculation among the WoW Insider staff has us fairly sure that the settlement in Afrasiabi's picture is none other than Tuurem. Burning Crusade era players may remember Tuurem as a ruin in the middle of Terrokar Forest filled with hostile Broken. It was also the key to several quests, including forging the connection between Firewing Point and the unfortunate fate of the Cenarion Thicket. In any case, Tuurem looks a lot nicer in that screenshot than it does in Terrokar, that's for sure.