
Today's EQN Landmark patch expands horizons with new biomes, attached claims

When the EverQuest Next Landmark servers come back up from today's update, alpha players will have more places to build on, more things to build with, and more room to build in! Twelve new islands are opening on each world, each one featuring one or both of the brand-new biomes: Tundra and Old Growth Forest. And with new biomes come new building materials; players will be able to test out the new smoothing tool on the likes of snow and ice sculptures. Plant, rock, and tree prop recipes have also been temporarily added so players can craft the items needed to complete (and finally use) templates including them.

Although there are plenty of bug fixes also included in this update, perhaps the most significant news for space-starved architects is the fact that attached claims are finally being added with this update. Players will be able to craft additional claim flags and place up to two alongside their current claim to expand their property.