
Warlords of Draenor: Possible character undelete option?

We've all been there -- we needed another character slot. Or maybe we were just bored with the class. Deleting a character is one of those final decisions that occasionally leads to regret. While characters can sometimes be restored, it usually takes a ticket or a phone call to Blizzard to get the job done. Wowhead has been busy datamining the Alpha client, and discovered an interesting set of strings that suggest that particular service, much like the item restore service before it, may be put in player's hands come Warlords. The following strings were found:

  • UNDELETE_TOOLTIP_DISABLED:: Restore Deleted Character is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.

  • UNDELETE_SERVICE_TOOLTIP:: Restore this character

  • UNDELETE_FAILED_ERROR:: There was a problem restoring your deleted character. Please try again later.

  • UNDELETE_TOOLTIP:: Restore Deleted Character

  • UNDELETE_TOOLTIP_COOLDOWN:: You must wait before restoring another deleted character.

From the looks of the strings, the service will work similarly to the item restoration service -- in other words, it will likely have a cooldown period to prevent abuse. Keep in mind however that this is datamined information, and is in no way official -- we may never actually see it implemented when the expansion goes live. But hey, for now I'm going to look forward to the possibility that the paladin I viciously decided to cut might just make another appearance on my character list, some day.