
Transformers Universe founder's program includes $450 bundle


Transformers Universe may have just won "Most Expensive Founder's Pack Ever" award, as Jagex rolled out a $450 pre-launch bundle today and began taking orders.

The founder's packs for Transformers Universe begin at a saner $45 for a bronze pack and go up to $60 for a silver pack, $120 for a gold pack, and $450 for the aforementioned Cybernite pack. All of the founder's packs contain titles, an in-game honor roll mention, and varying levels of season pass access and relics. From the silver pack on up, players will also get early access Transformers and other goodies.

So what do you get if you blow $450 on a video game that has yet to be released? The Cybernite pack comes with $250 worth of relics, a year combo season pass, six early access robots, tons of in-game consumables, a limited-edition figurine, and 18 characters when launch hits.