
WoW Moviewatch: Old Gods Are Everywhere

Work Warning (Kinda) for maybe adultish language and old gods? Look, there's tentacles, okay? I've just been advised that whenever tentacles get involved, there should be a work warning so you know what you're getting into.

You know, the Old Gods are a pain in the neck. And there's never enough news coverage about them. But if you go traipsing around Azeroth for longer than 5 minutes, you're going to encounter the random Old God trying to blast your brain. Faceless Ones are slightly only less common than murlocs, though admittedly nowhere near as intimidating.

That's why I was happy to see Moocluck's new video, Old Gods Are Everywhere. I feel like May needs to be Old God Awarness Month. Seriously, though, check out the video. Mooclucks brings the funny.

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