
Alfred 2.3 adds external triggers and more

Alfred app

Alfred for Mac is one of my favorite utilities. So much more than an app launcher, it lets me find and move files, control apps and even set complex workflows into action for a super-effecient work day. Things get better with version 2.3, which is out now. External triggers, case-sensitive hotkeys and other changes only make this app better.

External triggers are so cool. In a nutshell, you can use an AppleScript from outside Alfred to tell it what to do. Attach one to a Calendar event, for example, for precision timing. Meanwhile, you use Alfred to select which app opens a specific file. Think of it as Finder's "Open with..." command but much more efficient.

The marquee feature is context-sensitive hotkeys. I use a utility like Alfred because I don't like reaching for the mouse over and over, all day long. Perhaps you're the same. Now you can make your hotkey triggers case-sensitive. There's also an option to disable a combination when a certain application is frontmost, and a unique setting for when you're using Photoshop. Hotkey conflicts are a huge pain in the backside, and Alfred 2.3 does a lot to address it.

Alfred is among the apps I install on a new Mac immediately. This update is an example of why.