
Warlords of Draenor: New plushie Battle Pet

Wowhead discovered a new Battle Pet in Warlords of Draenor, and this one is guaranteed to be the cutest Battle Pet in your stable. The Elekk Plushie is exactly what it sounds like -- a plush version of an elekk, stitched together with love, if not any particular skill. The pet is tagged with a Profession: Tailoring label, suggesting that perhaps this little bundle of fluff will be crafted by tailors. The attacks, however, are the real treat here: Fluff Barrage, Take It, Plushie Rush, Cute As A Button, Who's the Best Elekk In The Whole World?, and Itchin' for a Stitchin'. They may sound cute, but here's the catch -- they're all imaginary attacks. Obviously a stuffed toy can't actually battle...but hey, we can pretend that it can, right?

The only working ability for the pet is Itchin' for a Stitchin', which will perform a pet swap. Other than that, the plushie just sits there. It's a plushie, what did you expect? However, Jonathan LeCraft later clarified on Twitter that while the plush is a joke, some might not find it funny, which means the squeezably soft little toy might not actually make it into the game. As a kid, I had countless stuffed animals, each of which was just as beloved as any pet I owned -- so I kind of hope the little guy makes it to release. I'd like to name him and summon him just like any other pet, regardless of whether or not he can actually fight. I'd love to see an achievement for actually getting the plush to level 25, while we're at it. What do you guys think? Do you want an Elekk Plushie of your very own?