
Tetris Ultimate to also clear neatly aligned lines on 3DS

Tetris Ultimate will drop into the 3DS' library this fall in the UK, according to a release schedule shared by Ubisoft. The shape-aligning classic includes four-player multiplayer and six game modes: Marathon, Endless, Ultra, Sprint, Battle and Power-up Battle. Ultimate's initial press release also states that the puzzler "captures and saves your play style, allowing you to always be able to play with or against your friends, even when they are offline." In other words, you won't even have to be around to annihilate your friends in shape-stacking. Sounds efficient!

Vita owners recently learned they'll be counting Ultimate as an option in the fall, while PS4, Xbox One and PC owners were acknowledged during the game's announcement. With its gradual descent toward us, Ultimate is certainly the newest block on the grid, but we still wouldn't mind seeing the excellent Tetris DS appear on the Wii U's Virtual Console at some point.

[Image: Ubisoft]