
Video: Talking to the developers of the LaMetric smart ticker

LaMetric Smart Ticker

One of the hottest Kickstarter campaigns right now is that for LaMetric -- it's a smart ticker from a company called Smart Atoms that displays just about anything you can imagine. With 30 days to go in the campaign, LaMetric has gathered almost 1,500 backers and just about US$240,000, easily blasting by the original goal of $69,000. Today I talked with Nazar Bilous and Dmytro Baryskyy of Smart Atoms about their product, its many uses in home or office, and on the deep integration they're designing into LaMetric for almost limitless configuration.

If you'd like to try see of the many metrics that can be displayed with LaMetric, they have a wonderful simulator to play with. There are still backer opportunities for as little as $119, but things are moving fast.