
Entwined coming to PS3, Vita in 'very near future'

Entwined's pursuit of love is beautiful and challenging, but with Vita and PS3 versions on the way, it's about to add "portable" to its list of adjectives. Developer Pixelopus' Dominic Robilliard posted an introspective of the twin-stick matchmaker on the PlayStation Blog, which concluded by mentioning Pixelopus' intention to get both versions to fans "in the very near future."

Weekend Editor Sam Prell's review notes that Entwined's strengths lie in its "sense of serenity and peace" rather than competing on leaderboards, which sounds like a healthy mindset for a relationship-focused game. Still, Prell noticed a problematic hiccup with Entwined's visuals when an attempt to pair its characters is botched: it's something that "persists for only a fraction of a second, but it makes lining up your targets difficult, and is enough of an annoyance that it becomes frustrating."

[Image: Pixelopus]