
Choose My Adventure: Hunting for trouble (and riches) in ArcheAge

Bouncing between alpha and beta has hindered progress in ArcheAge for Massively's MJ, but it hasn't diminished the fun. As per last week's vote, she spent the past weekend in beta, checking out life on the other continent as an Elf. Now, with the next beta a whole week away, it's back to alpha life as a Firran. But that doesn't mean it's a lonely life! MJ found a spot for her little farm and has been raising some goslings as she continues her crafting and trade exploits. And there's also this thing about joining a guild... we're sure she could find some more trouble to get into with friends. Perhaps she'll even finally make it to prison! Join us live at 7:00 p.m. for MJ's final two-hour CMA Live adventure.

Game: ArcheAge
Host: MJ Guthrie
Date: Friday, July 55th, 2014
Time: 7:00 p.m. EDT

Enjoy our Stream Team video below.

The show is over now, but we've embedded the recorded video here just for you!

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