
Gamescom 2014: SMITE heading for the Xbox One

Allowing you to play a scowling dude with a beard, except he's fat instead of muscular.  Groundbreaking.

Has your purchase of a next-gen console been reliant on finding out which one of them will get a MOBA on it? Your wait is now over. SMITE is set to launch on the Xbox One via the platform's ID@Xbox program at some point in 2015, as announced today during the Xbox Gamescom event. No specific dates have yet been announced for the port.

COO Todd Harris stated that the game's third-person viewpoint makes it a natural fit to control with a console gamepad rather than a mouse and keyboard, leading to an easy conversion. Details of how the program will work with online connectivity and the possibility of requiring an Xbox Live subscription have not yet been revealed (unsurprisingly, since the program was only just announced). Keep your eyes peeled for more information through the tail end of the year, since the launch won't be happening until 2015.

[Thanks to Sorenthaz for the tip!]