
Steam summons Final Fantasy 4 PC redux

Following hints from earlier today that the Final Fantasy 13 trio may be coming to Steam, we discover that an earlier entry in Square Enix's classic roleplaying franchise has already taken up residence on Valve's ubiquitous digital distribution platform.

Final Fantasy 4, a game initially released in the United States as Final Fantasy 2, can now be purchased from Steam at a price of $16. According to the game's listing, this new PC version of Final Fantasy 4 boasts "fully voiced, dramatic cut-scenes," a new system for charting in-game dungeons and an "inspiring score" which can be accessed in-game via a new jukebox feature. This latest iteration of Final Fantasy 4 utilizes the same super-deformed polygonal characters first seen in the 2007 Nintendo DS remake, but with graphics that are optimized for the PC.

For more information and a full rundown on the game's technical requirements, visit the Final Fantasy 4 Steam listing. The game is currently available exclusively for PC, and Square Enix has yet to mention additional versions for the Mac or Linux operating systems.

[Image: Square Enix]